Journey Seeking the Garden of Serenity

I have waited for a very long time to create my own blog to pour every single bit of life experiences. Finally, upon discovering myself, together with my love of my life, Kanchini we decided to move a step into the writing world.

We decided to start with our own journey of never ending love story, hoping that it could be an inspiration for every single human who reads it regardsless of their age, religion, caste and color. This blog creation also mark's the turning point of my life after 24 years of seeking the truth within myself and to continue the passion of collecting amazing photos of lifetime memories.

Special thanks to my in-laws, Mr & Mrs Sekaran for the most amazing piece of gift - (Canon SLR EOS 550D). With that, I could treasure all the beautiful moments, memories and time into a form of a pictures/photos that could be shared with all of you.

Hence, here I am, together with my love one exploring each and tiny bit of every parts of life and share the Quest in this special blog I named it as ' Garden of Serenity '

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