Thursday, December 30, 2010

Engagement at Your Workplace - Part 1

Hi everyone, I'm back after a long period of craziness. Juggling time is one madness and the amount of commitment keep on increasing each day as we aged tremendously affecting our daily life. Nevertheless, I manage to discover a lot of things, experiencing the odds and even of life, this time it is related to most of our work place.

Have you ever wonder, how many person / staff do really engaged to their own work. Let's say, if there are 10 people on the job, how many people are actually working?

Well, we're not just talking about Kuala Lumpur city postman or even McDonald delivery man on rainy day. In Sue Johnston articles, she mentioned that only 20%  of employees are truly engaged to their work. Which means 8 out of 10 people are not. Well, those people show up to work, look like they are working hard but the fact is they are not fully committed. After certain period of time these type of employees will not be able to cope with the job and will take the next step that is skipping to other job.

Therefore it is important for an employee to get themselves engage into what they are doing so that they will feel worthwhile working, work with enthusiasm and passion to their work.

The fundamental or I would call it the basic core of this is 'EMOTION', likewise been quoted in Ms Sue Johnston article.

Most of the organization or employers fail to understand the fundamental of the organization success / greatness lies in using what you already have. I am referring to the work force/manpower or shall we consider it as 'STAFF' . Most leaders main concern is to achieve the companies objective or target within the time frame given and what makes the leader a failure is not to understand the emotion of the skillful and dedicated employee.

These are the areas where a leader or future leader in any organization should learn:

          1. Using Emotional Intelligence
          2. Building Relationship
          3. Communication
          4. Connection to Customers
          5. Recognition
          6. Freedom to Act
          7. Developing Individuals & Teams

I believe when the leader able to learn the Rule of Engagement, the employees will improve their productivity and directly will improve the service quality.

Well I guess, this far is the journey for today and in the next blog (Part 2), I will explain more in details on each of the following 7 areas that I have mentioned.

Till then......Have a good time......

Prakash Naidu signing off for today

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